Artist Bio: This gallery exhibit brings together the artwork of our little family: Kurt (dad), Harper (mom), and Luna (daughter, 7 years old). Although our styles are clearly very different, as a family we value time to be creative, the enjoyment of the process of creating, and art of all kinds!
Luna is currently finishing her first grade year. Some of the art in this show was made throughout her years at preschool and school, and some was made in her free time. Like most kids her age, creativity comes as easily as breathing, and she often has more ideas than time in a day. She's taking piano lessons and gymnastics, and enjoys all subjects at school- especially library.
Kurt is a crisis counselor at Western NC Community Health Services- a job he's held for nearly a decade. Working full time and raising a child doesn't leave much time for art making, but he's enjoyed reworking some of his older paintings for this show- giving them new life and taking them to a level he feels excited about. When he's not working or hanging with his family, he loves building with legos and playing the accordion. He has started practicing with Brass Your Heart locally, and serenades the neighborhood with the songs he's learning.
After leaving her job as Administrative Assistant at FCUCC before the birth of Luna, Harper has enjoyed being a stay at home mom. In the last few years she's juggled a few part time jobs, and this year she is renting a studio in the River Arts District (part of the Art Garden) with two other creatives. She has started teaching art classes through her studio and will be attending her first artist residency this summer through the Cuttyhunk Island Artist Residency. The large paintings in this show are from her flower essence/plant spirit series that explore the connection between people and plants at a soul level.
Kurt can be found on Instagram at: @kurtmakesart, @kurtandbeyond, and @everydaygoblin
Harper can be found at @HarperLeich_art on Instagram and you can view her upcoming classes at
Luna can be found playing in the yard, blissfully untethered to technology.