New Handbells have arrived ! First performance with new Handbells
Handbells with Adult Ringers
Oak Street Ringers - group of 10-11 adults and teens who ring our three octaves of Malmark handbells (new in May, 2022)
Genesis Bells – group of adults and teens new to ringing handbells
Rehearsals for adult and teen ringers happen either Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings, depending on ringers' availability.
Small ensembles of adults and / or teens sometimes rehearse to prepare arrangements of specific hymn tunes.
Learn-to-Ring Sessions A few times each year, a workshop is offered for those interested in learning to ring handbells, whether or not they have prior musical experiences.
Children & Youth
Children's Chime and Bell Choir meets Sunday mornings during morning worship for music lessons and rehearsals of chime and bell music. Each meeting includes teaching / review of music concepts appropriate to the experiences of the children involved. Chime and bell ringing techniques as well as care of the chimes and bells are taught. Vocal music is also sometimes included. Children and youth normally provide music for a church-wide worship service once or twice each semester.