I’ve lived in nine states, but have made my home in Asheville since 2012, where I’m living happily ever after with my husband, actor Paul Gregory Clark. Between the two of us we have four children, four grandchildren (soon to be five), and three spoiled cats. We love to travel, soak up new experiences, and keep our creative energy flowing.
I received my art education at the Brandywine Atelier in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania (now the Carlin Academy of Fine Art) and hold a Master of Transpersonal Psychology degree, with a specialization in creativity and innovation, from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology/Sofia University US.
My art journey has been a meandering exploration of my internal processes, utilizing a wide variety of mediums and techniques. Though trained in classical realism, I prefer to experiment with different styles and materials to express feelings and ideas that come from within. Much of my work arises from meditation, movement, and contemplation of nature. I’m interested in visually articulating glimpses of our place within the cosmos, our connection to the earth, God, and each other. My motivation for creating art is to touch the viewer at the level of heart and soul. The challenge is to draw upon personal perceptions to find universality and communicate it effectively.
The collection in this exhibition is a sampling of several series I’ve worked on over the past three years. The mixed media pieces made from vintage clothing are about memories evoked by the things we have worn, outgrown, and cast off. My large rose portraits convey spiritual unfolding and inner light. The puzzle series represents social fragmentation and how we might put things back together in new ways. The portal paintings are about thresholds that propel us to move through veils of illusion. The grass paintings are meant to inspire a feeling of freedom, expansion, and the wonder of childhood. Please visit my studio, #229 at Riverview Station, in the River Arts District, to see more of my work.
The Gallery is accessible Monday-Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Call 828-252-8729 to arrange a time in advance, to visit this exceptional exhibit. Walk-ins welcome (Doors are locked - please ring doorbell).