Click on the above image to go to the You Can Vote website You Can Vote (YCV) trains and mobilizes volunteers to educate, register, and empower all North Carolina citizens to successfully cast their ballot. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, YCV is an organized and effective non-partisan campaign to increase voter registration and voter turnout for people facing barriers to full civic participation. It is a campaign without a candidate. This means that You Can Vote does NOT work for a candidate or a party. And it does NOT mobilize around specific issues (e.g. environment, education). You Can Vote is an ongoing, non-partisan effort to increase voter registration and voter turnout.
2024 Election Countdown 60 days until Election Day!
As the time approaches for the 2024 election, who will be your candidates? Who will get your vote?
Access your sample ballot to see who your candidates will be.
You can print a copy of your sample ballot to begin your research on the choices you will have when you vote. To access and print your sample ballot from the NC State Board of Elections, use the following steps:
On the Search Criteria screen, complete the information. Your name needs to be your legal name as on your voter registration. First and Last names are required. Middle initial is optional. Scroll until you find your year of birth. Use the drop-down menu of counties to locate your county of residence. Voter Status should already be checked as Registered. If not, you will need to clarify your voter registration status with your county Board of Elections. Click <SEARCH>
On the next screen, click on your name.
You will see: YOUR VOTER DETAILS (your personal information); YOUR JURISDICTIONS (all the different districts, etc. that you live in. You will be voting for candidates in these districts); YOUR VOTING LOCATION (where you vote on Election Day, Nov 5)
YOUR SAMPLE BALLOT(S) You will see your sample ballot for the 2024 General Election. Click the ballot number to see your sample ballot. You can print this sample ballot and use it to research the candidates to decide who gets your vote!
Happy Voter Research!
If you have questions or need any assistance, please contact Jerry Dillashaw at 336-260-7372 or [email protected]
2024 Election Countdown: 67 days until Election Day! 8/30/24
As the time approaches for the 2024 election, now is a good time to make sure you are prepared to vote.
Is your voter registration in order?
Citizens must be registered in the county of their residence to be eligible to vote. If you have had a residence address change since the last election, you need to update your registration. Buncombe County Board of Elections recently mailed voter registration cards to registered voters. If the information on this card is correct, you are good to go! If any of the information needs to be updated, follow the instructions on the card to submit changes to the Board of Elections. Any needed changes should be submitted as soon as possible to ensure that the Board of Elections has adequate time to update your record.
If you are not currently registered to vote in your county of residence, you must register in your county of residence. The deadline for registering to vote in North Carolina for the November General Election is 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 11, 2024.
Do you need to register to vote? Click on the link below for the State Board of Elections options for registering to vote. We will also have some registration forms at the church if you would like to pick one up there. See Bev Reddick or Jerry Dillashaw at Friendship Time to get a voter registration form.
Photo ID is required to vote in North Carolina Effective with the 2024 elections, a photo ID is required to vote in North Carolina. Click the link below for information on Photo ID requirements. A free Voter ID can be obtained from your county Board of Elections if you need one. You will need to go to your county Board of Elections office and have your photo taken. If you plan to vote in Buncombe County and need assistance in obtaining a free Voter ID card, please contact Bev Reddick or Jerry Dillashaw.